Simple Reflective Spaces is all about creating opportunities for people to be still.
Always being busy and hurrying around is detrimental to our physical and emotional well being. Being still is an antidote to our technology driven world. We are made to be still.
We can’t change the past and worrying about the future will not alter it. We need to experience the now, be present in the moment. We need to be still.
Being still gives a chance for us to rest, to process our thoughts, gain a better perspective, interact with the world around us, value who we are, be grateful and reconnect to our spiritual nature.
Step Out of the Traffic is a 10 minute audio visual installation that gives you a chance to pause from the busyness of life, even if, just for a moment. Click here for more details.
NEW for Autumn 2024
Pause. A place to be still creates a space for you to pause and be still. It is an audio visual installation that includes inspirational quotes that encourage you to pause and uses nature videos and an immersive sound installation to create a place for you to be still. Feel free to drop in any time and stay as long as you like. Click here for more details.
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“While most of us listen to music for entertainment, we should also know that it can help boost your overall wellbeing. From reducing stress and improving cognitive performance, to encouraging and inspiring creativity, the power of music is truly amazing.” Andrea Gray article.